Fit For Life in Christ
An Adult Membership Class for toning up those flabby spiritual muscles and getting renewed energy for a new life in Christ.
You owe it to yourself and your life with God to take advantage of this faith-building and life-changing opportunity!
Dates and Time
Dates: Startiing September 17, 2024
Time: Tuesdays 7-9 pm
Instructor: Pastor Joel Hoyer
Child Care is Provided
Course Theme
Fit For Life in Christ is a 10 week adult membership course that presents the Word of God in new and meaningful ways. The course title and logo represent the central theme of the material: that we are made Fit for Life not by what we do, but as a gift of God through faith in Christ.
The world says "work hard, sweat, strive, get your body-mind-finances-education into good enough shape, then you'll be fit for life." Sure, until your chest falls to your gut, your hair falls out and your gray matter starts turning to mush. Fit For Life in Christ challenges the world's paradigm and ushers students into the presence of the One who said: "I have come that you might have life - and more of it!"
Upon completion of the Fit for Life in Christ course, participants are invited to become members of Grace Lutheran Church.
How the church works.
Course Content
Fit for Life in Christ is a thorough walk through all the main doctrines of the Christian faith. In addition, this is your opportunity to ask all the tough questions we have concerning life and faith. For instance: If we all use the same Bible, why are there so many different denominations? What about evolution – isn’t it a proven scientific fact? What can we know about the end times? What about issues like “Infant Baptism, Divorce, Homosexuality and abortion?”
Fit for Life in Christ will provide you with answers and ammunition to defend your faith in a world growing ever more hostile to Christ and His Word.
Course Table of Contents
1: Fit For Life Through Jesus our Savior
2: Fit For Life Through Jesus our Savior (2)
3: Fit For Life Through the Word of Life
4: Fit For Life Through God the Father
5: Fit For Life Through God the Holy Spirit
6. Fit For Life through the Means of Grace
7. Fit For Life Through the Church
8. Fit For Life To Walk With Him
9. Fit For Life To Walk With Him (Part 2)
10. Fit For Life to Talk with Him
To Sign Up
Watch for sign ups at Grace Lutheran in September and again in January.
Call the Church Office
(616) 837-7831