Sunday High School Youth

Sunday 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.

Sunday mornings during our Christian education / Sunday School hour, our 8th – 12th graders join Mr. Luke in the Youth room.  This group joins in with the rest of the congregation in using the Answers in Genesis “Answers Bible Curriculum.”  However, this Sunday Morning High School group attempts to view it from two specific viewpoints:

  1. What they are learning, have heard, and may continue to hear in school,

  2. How can we use what we are learning to have loving, inviting conversations with our friends and others we care about?

If we cannot apply what we are discussing and seeing on Sunday mornings to our own world and reaching others’ lives, what is the point?  

Teenagers are reaching a point in their lives where they realize that they can make an impact on the world around them, AND they have to start making some big decisions about what they believe.  They have to start deciding how they see the world and how they are going to interact with that world. Our hope is that we can help them make wise, Godly decisions, that are not their parents’ or teachers’ decisions… that are THEIR OWN.


To learn more about Answer's Bible Curriculum, visit their site here:

Answers Bible Curriculum