Jonah 3 - What happens when you SPEAK for God?

A Big FishGod Story!

The little book of Jonah in the Bible has intrigued people for almost 2,800 years.  Many can’t help but see it as just another big fish story.  But in reality, it is a big GOD story.  It is the true story of our God, who relentlessly loves and pursues the lost and desires that they be added to His kingdom.  Do we?


- Sunday, June 2, 2019 -

Sermon Summary:

What happens when you speak for God?

Sometimes people reject God and His Word and condemn themselves.  Sometimes people repent and turn to God.  You fulfill your greatest purpose in life and God accomplishes His will through you.


Join us

Worship time: Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

Location: Grace Lutheran Church, 300 Cleveland Street East, Coopersville MI 40404