Facing Jesus
Beginning February 14th we will begin a look at a harmony of the Gospels specific to the Bible characters who faced Jesus during His Passion, death, and resurrection for us.
What went through their minds as they faced Jesus in the days before His crucifixion? How did they see Him? As a misguided martyr? An inconvenience? An enemy? A miracle worker? A righteous man who gives you bad dreams? Or as Savior and Lord? How did God the Father say “No” to His Son as He watched and heard Him pray in the Garden?
Let the Gospel writers give you a clear picture of each of these Biblical characters. And as you look at them, ask yourself: how have I been facing Jesus? Have I been making the same mistakes they did? Or am I ready to see the way He breathed His last and confess with the centurion: Truly this man was and is the Son of God and my Savior!
Simon Peter
Peter, James & John
God the Father
The Chief Priests
Pilate’s Wife Simon and the Weeping Women
Criminals on the Cross
Peter and John
The Disciples
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection
Thomas after the Resurrection
Peter after the Resurrection
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